Current manager of the Wells Hotel Maris. Born Amanda King she was one of the 'Second Wave' of immortals who was saved by Dumuzi due to being the inventor of the microprocessor...and was intimately involved with the Great Grandfather of Julia Wells Caladharas
It’s bad enough that we have anti-biotics in soap. That drives me up the wall. Do manufacturers *not* know how they’re creating bacteria resistant to that family of antibiotics?
Initially? No, they did not. By the time they DID know, EVERYBODY was doing it and ceasing to do so would (1) lose them marketshare and (2) make a few people realize they didn’t know what they were doing in the first place.
Even where I live, which is supposed to have a decent education system, I am continually surprised by what “educated” people will accept when it’s poured down their (mental) throats 🙁
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