Cast Page
Taioiseach Ian CaladharasHead of Caladharas house, widower, and exhausted young man. |
Ishara The Dragon |
Targeter Timurilang
Adah Calime TimurilangSole Survivor of the Starfall Epidemic and the newest member of Miko’s family. In her previous incarnation, she was ‘The Walker’, one of the Ancients who survived the previous civilization, and helped lay the ground work for a new one. |
Miko TimurilangMiko is the biological sister of “Targeter”. She is a hyper inquisitive woman who serves as Chief of Intelligence in Targeter’s Company, a PMC that is one of the survivors of ‘The Event’ |
Jazz CraneCurrent manager of the Wells Hotel Maris. Born Amanda King she was one of the ‘Second Wave’ of immortals who was saved by Dumuzi due to being the inventor of the microprocessor…and was intimately involved with the Great Grandfather of Julia Wells Caladharas |