Illitock is the personal counselor to Jessica Tindal. Illitock is a member of an insectoid race called the Threllichock (at least as close as we can pronounce it). The Threllichock are the newest race to achieve full sentience and come from a society that was a communal hive. Approximately 7000 years ago, members of the race began to appear that were not members of the hive mind. More anomalies began to appear as the decades rolled on, and citizens like Illitock have begun to be fully integrated into House society. Several of them are now in highly placed positions throughout House society.
This lady (who chooses to remain nameless) is professional assassin who hails from the city of Naglorond. She does most of her work for private citizens since the end of the House Wars, where she was responsible for the deaths of a number of House personnel.
The handle she is currently using is “Targeter” All that is known about her so far is that she was a child prostitute in Naglorond who killed her way out of the business , and decided to never put her fate in the hands of another ever again.
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