Due to family medical issues, Requiem is on indefinite hiatus.
An elderly family member of ours took a bad fall on Labor Day night, and we’ve been dealing with the aftermath ever since. Hopefully, things will get sorted out, but as of right now, doing a daily comic is not something my schedule can allow.
Sorry to have this happen, but as everyone knows, real life comes first….and at least we don’t have too many running storylines on the backburner.
The Dweller. Prophet. Statistician. Sometimes madman. It is unclear, even to himself, whether he is seeing the future or calculating probabilities better than the fastest computer in existence. Needless to say, The Dweller knows things, often before they happen.
This chapter is also an interesting take on the Mind/Body Problem, too. Brain in a Box…or not? What is reality? A Monomyth? Metaphor? Allegory? What is there to be learned here? This chapter brings up all sorts of interesting questions, James. Some things are blatantly ‘in your face.’ other things? More subtle than some might think…
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