172 results.
Rathskeller Rock & Roll, Part 1
on August 29, 2014
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Day 4, Month of Lights, 6563
Characters: Ena MacSwain, Laura McAllen
‘startin to wonder what’s going down underground we slashem we mashem they’re still around all around when monsters are walkin we rock and roll’
Rathskeller Rock & Roll, Part 2
on September 1, 2014
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Day 4, Month of Lights, 6563
Characters: Ena MacSwain, Laura McAllen
‘sliced off an elbow bit off a toe a big toe cut up a ghost but… it didn’t show typical when monsters are monsterin’ we rock and roll’
Rathskeller Rock & Roll, Part 3
on September 2, 2014
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Day 4, Month of Lights, 6563
Characters: Ena MacSwain, Laura McAllen
into a cavern friends by your side for the ride cavern got narrow one friend was wide but we tried to get em on thru he got stuck and died